Friday, September 28, 2012

TAST - Weeks 38 & 39

Week 38 - Drizzle Stitch
Week 39- Knotted Buttonhole Stitch
Drizzle Stitch was the chosen stitch of Week 38 at TAST.  A funny stitch that is said to be used in Brazilian embroidery.  It involves retreading the thread while the needle is still in the fabric holding onto MANY cast on loops - the retreading part was frustrating, tricky and tedious, so I don't see myself doing a lot of them.  But they do make really interesting textures, so when I get better and want to do more of them, I will have to invest in a really good needle threader.  The three drizzles on the left were completed with 2 strands of floss, middle was with pearl cotton size 12 and the right arrangement was with cotton pearl size 5 - size 5 was much better.  One day I have to invest in some ribbon and try it.

Knotted Buttonhole was introduced as the stitch for Week 39 of TAST.  This stitch I liked.  I only used two strands of floss for this sample.  I am able to see many uses for this stitch as it handles nicely on curves, straight lines, and circles.

1 comment:

crazyQstitcher said...

The Drizzle is fiddly but interesting. Do I see a bee or flying insect in yours?
The knotted Buttonhole, as you say behaves as you wish, so is a good stitch to use often.
Nice samples Debbie